4.13.5 How the Group Master Works
Group Master Offset (Master Offset)
A group is formed by first establishing a Group Master and then adding group members
to it. This is done in the Group Edit mode explained previously. When the Group Master
is first created the system establishes a Master Offset of zero (0) for that Group Master.
This Group Offset is constantly “added to” the physical fader positions of all of its
members establishing a virtual fader position for all group members. It is this virtual fader
position that the system uses in all mixing operations. (Faders that are not group
members also have a virtual position but it is always equal to its physical position).
Whenever a Group Master is moved while Grouping is On, that movement is added to or
subtracted from its Master Offset value, which in turn is used to compute the virtual fader
positions of all of its members.
Sending Button Hits to Members
Whenever Grouping is On, hitting a fader related button of a Group Master sends that
“button hit” to all of the members of that group. This includes the local path which lies
beneath the Group Master. In truth, however, it is not the “button hit” that is sent, but the
mode that the masters local path changes to. For example...
The local path beneath a Group Master is in Read, as indicated by that path’s
Mode LEDs. The
button style is Write.
• A group member is in Update mode.
• The
button is hit on the Group Master path.
• Both the Local path and the other group member change to Enter Write mode.
4.13.6 Grouping Limitation for Solo Interlock Mode
Assume grouping is On and Solo Interlock mode is selected. Assume no solos are
currently active.
on group master.
Master and all members are now soloed.
on group master a second time.
Master and members are no longer soloed.
You cannot press and hold a soloed Master to add paths like you can with group
members and paths that are not grouped.
Section 4 - Operation
August 1999
4 - 27
Operation and Maintenance Manual