5.8.11 Editing Time Code Prompts
Time Code prompts have a number of features that simplify entering and copying time
code numbers:
Events Pull Down menu
Clicking on the Pull Down button at the right of the prompt displays a list of timecode
events. Left Drag the mouse to highlight the desired event, then release the mouse
button to select.
Time Code Field Selection
The four time code fields (Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Frames) can be individually
adjusted. Clicking once on a field highlights the number which can then be adjusted by
typing a number, dragging the mouse up or down, or clicking the up and down nudge
buttons to the left of the prompt.
Time Code Number Selection
The number in the prompt can be entered or copied to another prompt. Clicking twice
on any field highlights the complete number which can then be entered from the
keyboard. The highlighted time code can also be copied to another time code prompt by
placing the cursor on the number and dragging it to the desired prompt.
Clicking the nudge buttons while the whole time code number is highlighted increments
or decrements the hours field.
Section 5 - Eagle Automation
Operation and Maintenance Manual
5 - 52
August 1999