5.5.6 Mix Controls Window
Mix Controls
window provides the most common functions used during a mix:
• NEW:
Creates a new mix.
Archive (saves) the current mix to disk.
Undoes the last operation. The number of Undo Levels is set in Automation
Redoes previous Undo operation.
5.5.7 Time Code Window
Time Code
window displays the current time of the mix. Different timecode
references can be set using the pull-down menu next to the time code number.
5.5.8 Time Code Window Options
• Time Code Reader—Frame Rate
should be set to the frame rate of the incoming
time code reference.
• Source—LTC/VITC
determines if the time code reference is read from the Audio or
Video timecode input.
• Feet/Frames -
If the time code display option is set to Feet/Frames, this field is used
to set the amount of film frames in a foot.
• Time Code Offset
allows the mix to be referenced to time code numbers different
than the incoming time code. This would be useful if a tape was restriped with different
time code than when it was originally mixed.
Section 5 - Eagle Automation
Operation and Maintenance Manual
5 - 16
August 1999