Continuing Operation
Multi-function Contact Inputs
Setting Precautions
When both external search commands 1 and 2 are set for the multi-function contact terminals, an OPE03
(invalid multi-function input selection) operation error will occur. Set either external search command 1 or
external search command 2.
If performing speed search using external search commands, add an external sequence so that the run com-
mand and external search command are both ON. This two commands must be kept on, at least for the
time set in parameter L2-03.
If the Inverter output is equipped with a contact, set the contact operation delay time in the Speed Search
Wait Time (b3-05). The factory setting is 0.2 s. When not using the contact, you can reduce the search time
by setting 0.0 s. After waiting for the speed search wait time, the Inverter starts the speed search.
Parameter b3-02 is a current detection speed search (current detection level for search completion). When
the current falls below the detection level, the speed search is viewed as completed and the motor acceler-
ates or decelerates to the set frequency.
If an overcurrent (OC) is detected when using speed search after power recovery, lengthen the Minimum
Baseblock Time (L2-03).
Application Precautions for Speed Searches Using Estimated Speed
Always perform stationary autotuning for line-to-line resistance before using speed searches based on esti-
mated speeds.
If the cable length between the motor and Inverter is changed after autotuning has been performed, per-
form autotuning again.
External search command 1
OFF: Speed search disabled (Start from lowest output frequency)
ON: Speed estimation (Estimate the motor speed and start search from estimated speed)
Current detection (Start speed search from maximum output frequency)
External search command 2
OFF: Speed search disabled (Start from lowest output frequency)
ON: Speed estimation (Estimate the motor speed and start search from estimated speed) (Same operation as external
search command 1)
Current detection: Start speed search from set frequency (reference frequency when search command was
External search command 3
OFF: Speed search disabled (Start from lowest output frequency)
ON: Speed estimation (Estimate the motor speed and start search from estimated speed) (Same operation as external
search command 1)
Current detection: Start speed search from output frequency (reference frequency when search command was