Document 923860006_09_006
Document code 923860006_09_006
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Set the ENABLE option to YES and enter the IP and MAC address of the subpanel in position 1.
These addresses can be found in the option INFORMATION NETWORK in the initial menu of the subpanel (via
Select SAVE and continue with all consecutive subpanels.
4.2.15 Set Battery Current
By clicking on the option SET BATTERY CURRENT in the tech menuyou can see the above confirmation page. If
you press YES, the panel erases from the memory all previous current entries and executes the operation
CURRENT ADJUST. The adjustment of the current must be done when the installation has finished and when all
luminaries have been verified that operate correctly. It must also be done every time a luminary is added or
removed. The procedure lasts 90 seconds and when it finishes, the current that the total load draws, is saved in the
system memory.
Note: Before starting this operation be sure that the batteries of the panel are charged to at least 60% of the
Clicking on TECHNICIAN MENU goes back to the technician menu page.
4.2.16 Autodetect Luminaries
By clicking on the option AUTODETECT LUMI/RIES in the tech menu, you can see the confirmation page. Press
YES and the system runs an automated scanning and registering procedure, where finds all installed luminaries
and registers them in the system’s memory. This procedure lasts 75 seconds. After this action all luminaries
correctly registered will turn on and light in maintained mode. If one or more luminaries are off, there might be a
communication problem between the panel and that/those luminaries.
4.2.17 Check Current Zones
By clicking on the option CHECK CURRENT ZONES in the tech menu a confirmation screen appears. Select YES
to run the test. The system step by stem calculates the current drawn by each zone (illumination circuit) separately
in order to check for overloads. When the load exceeds 3.5A a similar error is displayed. This specific error cannot
be cleared, unless the load is correctly adjusted and the CHECK CURRENT ZONES procedure is run again, this
time without overloads.