Document 923860006_09_006
Document code 923860006_09_006
Page 28 from 44
4.2.5 Dimming Level
Dimming level is an operation that scales down the light output power. There are 8 selections available in the
dropdown list: 12%, 25%, 37%, 50%, 67%, 75%, 87% and 100%. The last selection is the maximum light intensity
available and is selected by default. Choose an option and then press SAVE.
Dimming level affects all zones, every luminary that is set to operate in maintained mode. Also affects the same
way staircase function and timers.
Dimming level does NOT affect emergency mode
4.2.6 INHIBIT function
By default, this option is set to OFF. If you select YES and press SAVE the system automatically enters a state
where it only charges the batteries. Maintained-mode zones will keep lighting when the mains power is on but in
case of a power failure (emergency) all zones will be inactive and will not light. INHIBIT function is used when a
building is not in use and without occupants for a large time period.
If you select NO and press SAVE, the panel enters the normal operation state.
Clicking on TECHNICIAN MENU goes back to the technician menu page.
4.2.7 Adjusting the date and time
By clicking DATE SETTING & TIME SETTING you enter to the following page.
Adjust the date, time and day of the week and press SAVE. These setting must be done during the initial system
setup so as to have an accurate log of the events.
Note that the date format is year/month/date and time is 24h format.
Clicking on TECHNICIAN MENU goes back to the technician menu page.