Document 923860006_09_006
Document code 923860006_09_006
Page 26 from 44
4.2.1 Programming the zones
Click on the first link ZONES and then the following page appears. In this page you can set all the available options
for each zone.
First click on the zone that you want to program.
Then, select if the specific zone is installed or not. Select YES only when that zone is installed, else a fault will be
displayed in the system. Select NO only when that zone is not installed, else there will be a fault displayed too.
Now select if the specific zone operates in staircase function. When staircase function is ON all the luminaries in
that zone that are set as maintained will be lit when the staircase switch is pressed. (see 4.1.2 for staircase
Select if the zone operates with a timer selection. No timer means that a maintained luminary in that zone will light
continuously. Else, if a timer is selected, then the luminary will operate according to the timer. The timers are used
to turn OFF the luminaries that have been programmed as MAINTAINED automatically when there are no people
in the building. This way you can save energy without degrading the safety level of the building. Even if a zone has
been turned OFF by a timer, in an event of a power failure the luminaries connected to this zones will be turned
Timer selection and staircase function are not affecting luminaries that are set as non-maintained in a zone.
Staircase function overrides timers (if selected).
When done press the SAVE button on top to keep the adjustments into the memory. You can adjust all zones by
selecting a zone and repeating the procedure.
Clicking on TECHNICIAN MENU link goes back to the technician menu page.
4.2.2 Programming timers
By selecting in the technician’s menu the TIMERS option you see the page below.
In this screen you can program the timers. Click on the desired timer and YES to activate. Adjust the start time and
day and the end time and day. The option DAY OF THE WEEK START has the options DAILY, WEEKDAY
andWEEKEND. With the selection DAILY the timer is repeated daily. With the option WEEKDAY the timer is
repeated from Monday to Friday and during the weekend it is off. With the option WEEKEND the timer will be
repeated only on weekend. If you select one of these options, it does not matter what end date you select.
Click the SAVE button to keep the settings on the system memory.
By clicking TECHNICIAN MENU, you can go back to the technician menu page.