Document 923860006_09_006
Document code 923860006_09_006
Page 16 from 44
By selecting CHECK CURRENT ZONES and pressing “Enter” key, the
system starts a procedure that is able to calculate the current drawn by each
zone individually. At first, Z0 is being calculated. Z0 refer to in-system circuits
and the current must be less than 0.1A, usually 0.05A.
Then, Z1 and the rest of the zones are calculated step by step. The whole
procedure lasts 4 minutes. If the output current in a zone exceeds 3.5A then
a warning message is displayed on the main screen. In order to reset the
fault message, the load in the zone that the fault was found, has to be re-
adjusted. After fixing the problem run CHECK CURRENT ZONES again.
In the end, when all zones’ output current has been calculated, there will be a
summary screen similar to the one on the right. The Amperes in each zone
should match with the installed load in each circuit.
By selecting IDLE ZONES and pressing “Enter” key the screen on the right is
shown. During this function, all the communications between the panel and
the luminaries (points) is shut off. There is no voltage modulation on the
lines, therefore, the voltage drop on the last point of each power line can be
clearly measured with a DC voltmeter. The maximum voltage drop allowed
for a proper communication between the panel and the luminaries when the
IDLE ZONES function is selected, should be 3.5V or less. This means that
when mains power is active, voltage supply on the zones output is 25V. So
the last point on each line should have at least 21.5V on its terminal. There
should be no issues when the cables connecting the luminaries are installed
according to the table on par 2.2.
4.1.2 Programming the Zones
After completing the “System Programming”, get back to the previous menu,
called TECHNICIAN MENU by pressing “Esc”.
The second option in the TECHNICIAN MENU is ZONES. Select this option
and press “Enter”. The screen on the right is shown. Select the required zone
number and press “Enter”.
First select if the zone is installed or not. NO is selected only if the zone is
not physically installed. With the selection NO the panel returns to the
If you select YES, you proceed to further programming. If you select YES for
a zone that is not physically installed, then the programming will be done but
after a while an error message “NOT CONNECTED” will be shown on the
main screen.
By selecting YES in the previous menu, the system asks for staircase
function on the specific zone. By selecting YES and pressing “Enter” the
zone programming is over and the TECHNICIAN MENU is shown again.
STAIRCASE FUNCTION takes place when a button that is connected to the
terminal “STRCS SWITCH” is pressed. Then all the luminaries in that zone/s
which is/are programmed to operate in STAIRCASE FUNCTION will light for
period of time. The time can be set with the option STAIRCASE TIME (see
Selecting NO option, the system continues further zone programming.