Document 923860006_09_006
Document code 923860006_09_006
Page 29 from 44
4.2.8 Battery cooler
Clicking on BATTERY COOLER goes in the following page.
By default, this option is set to NO. If a cooling fan has been installed, then to enable it you must select YES and
press SAVE.
Clicking on TECHNICIAN MENU goes back to the technician menu page.
4.2.9 Change Language
Clicking on SELECT LANGUAGE goes in the following page
Select GREEK, ENGLISH or NORGE and press SAVE. The language selection affects the language of the panel,
the language of the PC software and the logged events. All previously logged events will be displayed in the
current language.
4.2.10 Staircase time
Click on STAIRCASE TIME to adjust it in the following page.
Type the time that the staircase luminaries will be ON and press SAVE. By default, the time is 3 minutes.
Clicking on TECHNICIAN MENU goes back to the technician menu page.
4.2.11 Clearing the events log
Click on CLEAR EVENTS LOG to clear all logged events in the following page.
In this page you see the confirmation screen. If you press YES, then all the events will be wiped from the memory
and you will be redirected to the previous page. This action should be done after initial installation.
Clicking on TECHNICIAN MENU goes back to the technician menu page.