NOVA electronics Inc.
MCX514 -
In general, semiconductor products sometimes malfunction or fail to function. When incorporating this IC in a system, make sure
that a safe system is designed to avoid any injuries or property damage caused by malfunctioning of this IC.
This IC is designed for application in general electronic devices (industrial automation devices, industrial robots, measuring
instruments, computers, office equipment, household electrical goods, and so on). This IC is not intended for the use in
high-performance and high-reliability equipment whose failure or malfunctioning may directly cause death or injuries (atomic
energy control equipment, aerospace equipment, transportation equipment, medical equipment, and various safety devices) and
the operation for such use is not guaranteed. The customer shall be responsible for the use of this IC in any such
high-performance and high-reliability equipment.
“Japanese Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act” and other export-related laws and regulations must be observed and
complied with. Do not use this IC for the purpose of the development of weapons such as mass destruction weapons and any
military purposes. This IC shall not be used in equipment that manufacture, use and sale are prohibited by domestic and foreign
laws and regulations.
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice for continuous improvement in the product.
You can download the latest manual and software from our web site:
Please also feel free to contact us directly for any inquiries or questions.
Operating Precautions
Before using the MCX514, please read this manual thoroughly to ensure correct usage within the scope of the specification such
as the signal voltage, signal timing, and operation parameter values.
Operation is not verified in all combinations of modes and parameters. The user should fully verify and evaluate the operation
with a combination of the mode and parameter that is used before using this IC.
Treatment of unused pins that are not pulled up in the IC
Make sure that unused input pins are connected to GND or VDD. If these pins are open, the signal level of pins will unstable and
may cause malfunction.
Make sure that unused bi-directional pins are connected to VDD or GND through high impedance
(about 10k~ 100 kΩ). If these
pins are directly connected to GND or VDD, the IC may be damaged by overcurrent in case of such as a programming mistake
causes the output state.
About Reset
Make sure to reset the IC when the power is on. This IC will be reset if RESETN signal is set to Low for more than 8 CLK
cycles when a stable clock has been input. Please note that the IC will not be reset if the clock is not input.
Note on S-curve Acceleration/Deceleration Driving
This IC is equipped with a function that performs decelerating stop for fixed pulse driving in S-curve deceleration with the
symmetrical acceleration/deceleration. However, when the initial speed is set to an extremely low speed, slight premature
termination or creep may occur. Before using S-curve deceleration driving, make sure that your system allows premature
termination or creep.