3.14 Alarm function
Alarm history [A]
The No. of the alarm that has occurred and the cumulative power-on time can be recorded in the history. In the alarm history,
the latest 16 alarms are recorded so that the types of alarms that have occurred in the past can be checked.
The alarm history can be cleared with [Pr. PC18.0 Alarm clear history selection] or on the alarm display of MR Configurator2.
Method for checking with MR Configurator2
Connect the servo amplifier and a personal computer and select "Alarm Display" from "Diagnosis" in MR Configurator2.
The alarm display shows the alarm No., detail number, accumulated time after power-on, and actual time.
Method for checking on the servo amplifier display
Refer to "Display sequence" in the following manual.
MR-J5-A User's Manual (Introduction)
Stop method at occurrence of alarms/warnings
The servo motor stop methods at alarm occurrence are as follows: forced stop deceleration, stop with dynamic brake, and
stop with electronic dynamic brake. For the servo motor stop method of each alarm number, refer to the following manual.
MR-J5 User's Manual (Troubleshooting)
Forced stop deceleration
The servo motor stops with the dynamic brake after forced stop deceleration.
Stop with dynamic brake
The servo motor stops with the dynamic brake without forced stop deceleration. For a servo amplifier without the dynamic
brake, the servo motor coasts.
Stop with electronic dynamic brake
When a specific servo motor is used, the servo motor stops with the electronic dynamic brake without forced stop
deceleration. When other than the specific servo motor is used, the servo motor stops with dynamic brake.
The specific servo motors are as follows:
Servo motor