Mains Power:
Displays the mains power supply status.
Displays the charger general operation and error status.
Battery Voltage:
Displays the battery voltage level.
If the voltage is less than 14 VDC, a warning is displayed.
If the voltage is less than 12 VDC, an alarm is displayed, and further use is
blocked until the battery has recharged.
Charging Current:
Displays the battery charging current.
The battery is considered to be fully charged if the charging current drops
below 5 A.
Number of Power Units:
Displays the number of connected DC Current Generators.
Warnings Status:
Displays any active warnings.
Alarm Status:
Displays any active alarms.
Number of tests in this report:
The number of test results contained in the current report.
Displays the PLC status regarding input/output control.
If a PLC error occurs, an alarm is displayed and further use is blocked.
Ultracapacitor temperatures:
Displays the temperature levels of the Ultracapacitors.
If the temperature exceeds 45 °C, a warning is displayed.
If the temperature exceeds 60 °C, an alarm is displayed, and further use is
blocked until the ultracapacitor has cooled.
Unused ultracapacitor slots will display a temperature of 0 °C.
Used Disk-space:
Displays the percentage of used disk space on the internal storage.
If used disk space exceeds 85%, a warning is displayed.
If used disk space exceeds 98%, an alarm is displayed, and further use is
blocked until disk space is freed.
To free disk space, the stored report files can be deleted. For instructions,
please consult the chapter ‘Reporting’.
Temperature PU module:
Temperature of the DC Current Generators.
If the DC Current Generators are equipped with temperature monitoring,
and the temperature exceeds 55 °C, an alarm is displayed, and further use is
blocked until cooled.
OK button.
Press the ‘OK’ button to confirm and dismiss system warnings and alarms.
Software version.
The software version and build date is displayed in the bottom right corner of
the ‘Info’ screen.