Fire Hazards
Lumenis Pulse 120H UM-10012510 Rev. F
Page 18
Fire Hazards
• Do not use this device in the presence of flammables or explosives,
such as volatile anesthetics, alcohol, certain surgical preparation
solutions, and similar substances. An explosion and/or fire could
• The treatment beam can ignite most non-metallic materials. Use fire
retardant drapes and gowns. The area around the treatment site can be
protected with towels or gauze sponges moistened with sterile saline
solution or sterile water. If allowed to dry, protective towels and
sponges can increase the potential fire hazard. A UL-approved fire
extinguisher and water should be readily available.
• When performing procedures in the perianal area, the flammability of
methane gas must be considered. Moistened sponges should be
inserted into the rectum.
Additional Safety Considerations
• Smoke evacuation may be required if using the laser in open-air
• Do not connect any USB flash drives or network cable to the system
during operation.