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29 October, 2019
IVEK Corp. P03R017E
3.3.1 Dispense Mode
Dispense Mode is the typical operating mode to use when dispensing fixed amounts of fluids. The amount of fluid to
dispense is determined by the calibration of the pump and the configured Dispense Volume. Each stroke of the pump
dispenses the calibrated pump volume. The repeatability of the dispense volume is dependent on many factors
including: tubing setup, selected tip, fluid characteristics, and pump characteristics, and fluidic movement profile.
Parameters such as Dispense Rate, Drawback, Drawback Rate, Drawback Dwell, and Acceleration provide
configuration of the fluidic movement profile to provide the flexibility to meet the needs of various applications. The
minimum volume of fluid that may be dispensed is 1 calibrated chamber volume, and the maximum volume of fluid
that may be dispensed is 10,000 calibrated chamber volumes.
3.3.2 Meter Mode
Meter Mode allows for variable fluid movement. The beginning and ending of the fluid movement may be initiated by
either the front panel start-stop buttons, RS232/RS485/USB commands or LOGIC I/O signals. However, the most
precise control of the start and stop of metering is via the LOGIC I/O signals.
Once initiated, fluid will Meter until stopped. If Drawback is enabled, it will be performed upon the stopping of the
Dispense. There are two stop modes available in Meter Mode: Stop Position and Stop Meter.
Stop Position is the most typical mode and ensures that upon a stop command, the pump continues to the
configured Stop Position. This implies that a Meter operation will always dispense an integer multiple of calibrated
chamber volumes.
Stop Immediate, on the other hand, will cause the pump to stop immediately upon receiving the stop command
(plus a little movement required for de-acceleration). This is typically used in conjunction with a dual-ended
motor/base to simulate continuous metering. This implies that the dispense volume will not be a multiple of the
calibrated chamber volume.
3.3.3 Prime Mode
Prime Mode is the most typically used Fluidic Setup Mode and is used to prime the fluidic tubing and components
from the reservoir through to the tip before Production Mode operation. Having Prime as a separate mode from
Dispense and Meter Mode permits selection of optimum values for priming, which may be different than optimum
values for Dispense and Meter. It is also often used in the Reverse Direction to remove the fluid from the fluidic
system after Production Mode operations are completed.
The minimum volume of fluid that may be moved during a prime operation is 1 calibrated chamber volume and
the maximum volume that may be moved is 60,000 calibrated chamber volumes. Once initiated, the Prime
operation will move the desired amount of fluid through the system unless stopped early.
It is recommended to perform a Dispense in the desired Production Mode after a Prime operation in order to
properly setup the fluid for repeatable dispenses.
3.3.4 Display
The display provides an operator interface to all operating parameters in the Controller Module. New values can be entered
and current values displayed for all the functions of the system. The current operating mode and system status are shown
on the display. The display contains multiple interface screens each providing information to the operator.
The display shows system status, settings and general information. The display is divided into six fields as shown.
Following is a description of what will be displayed in each field.