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29 October, 2019
IVEK Corp. P03R017E
Recipe Screen Description -
The Recipe screen is used to select an existing recipe to load into the Controller
Module, save
a changed recipe to the same number or a new number, or save a new recipe to an existing number or
a new number. The current permission level determines which push-buttons are available as shown.
The Start push-button is not functional, but the Stop push-button is functional while this screen is visible.
The supervisor permission level is the only level allowed for saving recipes. Any permission level may get recipes.
Warning Recipe Exists Screen Description -
The Warning Recipe Exists screen is intended to prevent accidently
overwriting an existing recipe. This screen will appear and offer a choice of either replacing the existing recipe or
canceling and not replacing the existing recipe. The current permission level determines which push-buttons are
available as shown.
The Start push-button is not functional, but the Stop push-button is functional while this screen is visible.