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29 October, 2019
IVEK Corp. P03R017E
Recipe Screen Description -
The Recipe screen is used to select an existing recipe to load into the Controller
Module, save
a changed recipe to the same number or a new number, or save a new recipe to an existing number or
a new number. The current permission level determines which push-buttons are available as shown.
The Start push-button is not functional, but the Stop push-button is functional while this screen is visible.
The supervisor permission is the only level allowing saving recipes. Any permission level may get recipes.
Warning Recipe Exists Screen Description -
The Warning Recipe Exists screen is intended to prevent accidently
overwriting an existing recipe. This screen will appear and offer a choice of either replacing the existing recipe or
canceling and not replacing the existing recipe. The current permission level determines which push-buttons are
available as shown.
The Start push-button is not functional, but the Stop push-button is functional while this screen is visible.