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29 October, 2019
IVEK Corp. P03R017E
Change Password and Enter New Password Screens Description -
The Change Password screen selects the
level and the Enter New Password screen allows a user with Supervisor permission to change the
password. This screen is only accessible with Supervisor permission.
The Start push-button is not functional, but the Stop push-button is functional while this screen is visible.
New Password -
The Password is changed here or press the Minimum or Maximum push-button to enter that value.
Minimum -
Displays the minimum possible value for the password. The minimum value is 10.
Maximum -
Displays the maximum possible value for the password. The maximum value is 65535.
Increment -
Displays the incremental value for the password. The increment value is 1.
To change the password;
1. Use the up and down arrow push-buttons to select the permission.
2. Press the Enter push-button to bring up the Enter New Password screen.
3. Press the Minimum or Maximum push-buttons to select the desired value or use the left and right arrow push-
buttons to select the digit and the up and down arrow push-buttons to change the digit's value.
4. Press the Enter push-button.
The last password cannot be retrieved. Keep a record of changed passwords in a secure place.
IVEK cannot retrieve lost passwords, they can only be reset. Resetting the parameters resets all passwords
and setups back to factory defaults and clears all recipes. Refer to section