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29 October, 2019
IVEK Corp. P03R017E Dispense
Press the DISPENSE SCREEN push-button to enter Dispense mode. If the left most push-button is labeled METER
SCREEN, or has no label, go to SETUP A screen and change Production Mode to DISPENSE.
To start dispensing press the START button or supply a trigger to the rear panel. The system will dispense the liquid
amount specified in the Dispense Volume setting at the rate specified in the Dispense/Meter Rate setting.
When drawback is used, the Dispense Volume setting specifies the net fluid displaced, the actual forward motion is
the sum of the specified dispense volume and the drawback volume. Meter
Press the METER SCREEN push-button to enter Meter mode. If the left most push-button is labeled DISPENSE
SCREEN, or has no label, go to SETUP A screen and change Production Mode to METER.
To start metering press the START button or supply a trigger to the rear panel. The system will dispense the liquid
based on the Dispense/Meter Rate setting and the displacement of the Motor/Base module. To stop metering
operation remove the rear panel trigger signal, or push the Stop push-button.
3.3.10 Faults
Faults cause the Fault screen (section to appear. If a fault occurs, the type of fault will be displayed on the
screen. Once the problem is corrected, press the Reference push-button. Refer to section 3.3.12 for a list and
description of each fault.
The Controller Module provides the controls for producing liquid flow via a positive displacement pumping mechanism.
The systems utilize solid-state electronics, stepping motor drives, and precision machined ceramic pump heads.
These components combine to provide exceptional accuracy and precision (0.1% or less is achievable), high
reliability, and low maintenance.
Volume commands for the Controller Module use number of full revolutions. Rate commands are in revolutions per
minute. Pumping is started using the Start push-button
based on the screen being viewed (Prime, Dispense,
Meter). Push
the Stop push-button
to stop Meter operation or to stop Prime and Dispense operation before their respective
volume setting is reached.
3.4.1 Production Mode
Production Mode provides precision dispensing and metering operations for dispensing fluid with either fixed or
variable volumes. While only one Production Mode is active at a time, recipes can be used to quickly change between
modes of operation when necessary. Dispense Mode
Dispense Mode is the typical operating mode to use when dispensing fixed amounts of fluids. The amount of fluid to
dispense is determined by the calibration of the pump and the configured Dispense Volume. Each stroke of the pump
dispenses the calibrated pump volume. The repeatability of the dispense volume is dependent on many factors
including: tubing setup, selected tip, fluid characteristics, and pump characteristics, and fluidic movement profile.
Parameters such as Dispense Rate, Drawback, Drawback Rate, Drawback Dwell, and Acceleration, provide