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29 October, 2019
IVEK Corp. P03R017E
Change Permission Screen Description -
The Change Permission screen is used to change the permission to a
lower or
higher level. This allows additional or more restrictive access to parameters and screens. The current
permission level determines which push-buttons are available as shown.
The Start push-button is not functional, but the Stop push-button is functional while this screen is visible.
Enter Password -
This field is used to enter the password for the desired permission level. Each permission level has
a unique
password to prevent unauthorized access to certain parameters. The permission level can either be
Operator, I/O Test or Supervisor. Use the left and right arrow push-buttons to select the digit and the up and down
arrow push-buttons to change the digit's value. The minimum value for a password is '10'.
Entering a password causes the password field to reset to the minimum value.