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29 October, 2019
IVEK Corp. P03R017E
configuration of the fluidic movement profile to provide the flexibility to meet the needs of various applications. The
minimum volume of fluid that may be dispensed is 1 calibrated chamber volume, and the maximum volume of fluid that may
be dispensed is 10,000 calibrated chamber volumes. Meter
Meter Mode allows for variable fluid movement. The beginning and ending of the fluid movement may be initiated by
either the front panel start-stop buttons, RS232/RS485/USB commands, Contact Closure Triggers or LOGIC I/O
signals. However, the most precise control of the start and stop of metering is via the LOGIC I/O signals.
Once initiated, fluid will Meter until stopped. If Drawback is enabled, it will be performed upon the stopping of the
Dispense. There are two stop modes available in Meter Mode: Stop Position and Stop Meter.
Stop Position is the most typical mode and ensures that upon a stop command, the pump continues to the
configured Stop Position. This implies that a Meter operation will always dispense an integer multiple of calibrated
chamber volumes.
Stop Immediate, on the other hand, will cause the pump to stop immediately upon receiving the stop command
(plus a little movement required for de-acceleration). This is typically used in conjunction with a dual-ended
motor/base to simulate continuous metering. This implies that the dispense volume will not be a multiple of the
calibrated chamber volume. Auto Retrigger
Auto Retrigger provides the capability to have the Controller Module automatically repeat the initiation of Dispense
Mode operations (ignored by Meter Modes or Fluidic Setup Modes). This is useful for applications such as filling X by
Y matrix wells manually.
There are two Auto Retrigger modes available: Count and Infinite. Count provides the ability to auto retrigger a fixed
number of dispense operations as determined by the Auto Retrigger Count parameter. The Auto Retrigger Count
variable should be set to the desired number of total Dispense operations. The first Dispense operation must be
manually triggered. At the end of the first Dispense operation, a configurable Auto Retrigger Dwell time will cause the
unit to remain in idle until the period expires. Upon the expiration of the Auto Retrigger Dwell timer, another Dispense
operation will be automatically initiated. This process will repeat until the Auto Retrigger Count number of operations
have occurred. If using in an X by Y matrix application, the Auto Retrigger Count should be set to the value of X times
Y (i.e., the total number of wells in the matrix).
The Infinite setting provides the same feature, but the Auto Retrigger Count setting is ignored and the unit will
continue the Auto Retrigger sequence until stopped. Operation Dwells
The Pre-op Dwell and Post-op Dwell provide a delay before and after a Production Mode operation (does not affect
Fluidic Setup Mode operations). This is typically used to provide a delay between the activation/deactivation of a logic
output signal and the actual pump movement. A typical application for this is when an Auxiliary Output is used to gate
the power of auxiliary equipment such as an ultrasonic atomization nozzle. The delay provides enough time for the
nozzle to become active before the fluid movement occurs, and enough time for the fluid movement to cease before
the nozzle deactivates.
3.4.2 Fluidic Setup Mode
Fluidic Setup Modes are intended to prepare the fluidic system for Production Mode operations. There are two Fluidic
Setup Modes: Prime and Agitate. While only one mode is available at a time, quick transition between Fluidic Setup
Modes may be achieved using recipes.