9.1.5. Deck/stainless steel
The stainless steel parts can be cleaned with a light soap. Prevent using bleach or chlorine-containing
cleaning agents as they can cause the stainless steel to corrode. Window cleaners such as Glassex may
also be used. When using ethanol, make sure that the Autosampler III is always turned off. To prevent leaving
scratch marks, use a lint free towel and preferably a microfiber cloth. When the stainless steel turns dull
overtime, stainless steel cleaning agents may be used to polish the surfaces and make them shiny again.
9.1.6. Barcode camera
Use a dry, clean and lint free cloth to clear the lens of the barcode camera free from dust.
9.1.7. HMI
The HMI screen may be cleaned as is done with any computer screen. The best way to clean the screen is to
use a damp or dampened microfiber cloth. Fingerprints are removed as well as dust. If fingerprints persist use
a light soap. Avoid using paper to prevent scratch marks. Do not apply pressure when cleaning the screen.
9.2. Destacker unit
The top (black) part of the destacker is made from anodized aluminum and should be cleaned in the same
way as the frame parts. The plates may wear off the surface of the destacker unit leaving marks.
These marks do not impact performance but may cause dust to fall off therefore it is advised to clean this part
The plastic plates that are loaded into the destacker may break a little from time to time; therefore, the
destacker should be checked for loose plastic particles. Reaching into the destacker may only be done when
the Autosampler III is turned off or when the doors are open.
9.3. Pipetting cabin
Within the pipetting cabin, the stainless steel parts can be cleaned as described previously under deck. Other
parts to be cleaned are the washing station and the reagent dispenser.
9.3.1. Washing station
The washing station can be cleaned with microwash or ethanol solution. Always check to ensure the drain
of the wash bath is not blocked. To check for blockages, pour 0.5 L of demineralized water in the washing
station. If the water drains in a considerable amount of time, it can be assumed that the drain is working
correctly. If the drain is blocked, check the connection points.
9.3.2. Reagent dispenser
The reagent dispenser needles can be cleaned using a lint free cloth. Optionally, it can be wetted using an
alcohol solution. Make sure that no residual buffer can be seen on the needles. When blocking has occurred,
a fine reamer can be used to clear the blockage, or the needle may be replaced.
9.3.3. Downholders
The downholders can be cleaned using a lint free cloth with microwash or ethanol solution. When using
ethanol, make sure that the machine is turned off.