The user can load all necessary fluids
from one central place in the front
of the Autosampler III. On top of this
so-called fluid bay, the user loads
the necessary number of plates to be
processed by the Autosampler III into
an automated stacker. The stacker is
covered by a cover plate to ensure
cleanliness of the top plate even if the
stack is not emptied completely.
The user controls and receives
feedback using a touch panel. Having
one point of system control allows for
easy and understandable workflows
on the lab.
After the Autosampler III finishes the
sample preparations, the finished
product exits the system allowing
the user to pick up the samples and
place them into an Innovate for ATP
testing. The whole process of sample
preparation is done autonomously
including the linking to the local LIMS
as well as the innovates.
2. Technical specifications
The Autosampler III needs two power utilities: compressed air and electricity. In addition, for proper
functioning of the Autosampler III, the system's various liquid reservoirs must be filled. Both power
connections can be found on the back of the Autosampler III and are connected by means of a power plug
and a pressure fitting. For correct functioning of the Autosampler III the drain of the system needs to be
attached to the sewage at floor level. For alternatives to a floor level sewage please contact your supplier.
2.1. Mechanical
The Autosampler III is intended to be used in a lab or otherwise clean environment. Room temperature
(0-40 °C), Humidity levels (theoretical) max 80%.
The Autosampler III is intended to be connected to an infeed supply of products and an outfeed such as roller
conveyors. It is expected that products are presented at the infeed of the Autosampler III and that products
once pushed out of the Autosampler III are removed.
Room temperature (0-40 °C), Humidity levels max 80%
2.2. Electric
Electrical energy supply requirements for the Autosampler III:
Rated voltage: 400 V
Rated frequency: 50 Hz
1 x CEE plug 400V 16A 5P 6H (3 Phase + N + PE) separate group.
Pipetting arm:
- Pierce needle (4x)
- Varispan
Box output
Wash station
LED bar (2x)
Alignment bar
Emergency button
Emergency button
Box separation
Box input
Box alignment
Box barcode reader
Shaking conveyor
Regent dispenser (2x)
Plate input stacker
(capacity: 40 shallow well MTP)
IO Cabinet B
IO Cabinet C
Belt scraper and capture tray (behind panel)