UPS5000-H-1200 kVA
User Manual (100 kVA Power Modules)
4 User Interface
Issue 01 (2020-07-15)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
If lead-acid batteries are used,
iBOX Settings
is displayed on the
Comm. Settings
Figure 4-9
Comm. Settings (lead-acid battery)
Figure 4-10
Comm. Settings (lithium battery)
Figure 4-11
IP Settings
IP address allocation
If the MDU is connected to a computer over a network cable, the IP address can only be
allocated manually. The IP addresses of the MDU and computer must be on the same
network segment, and must be different.
If the MDU is connected to a computer over a LAN switch or router with the DHCP
function, the IP address can be allocated manually or automatically. Manual allocation is
used by default.