3.2 Loading Documents
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Original Orientation
This machine comes with the Margin Shift feature that allows you to adjust the position of the image
by adjusting its top, bottom, left, right positions. The orientation of the document must be right in order
for copying to be done correctly. The document orientation can be set by using the Original
Orientation feature. The machine will then be able to determine the top, bottom, left, and right
positions and move the image to the specified position to make copies.
There are two types of document orientations: Head to Top and Head to Left. As Head to Top is usually
the factory setting, load your documents in this orientation. For documents that cannot be loaded in the
Head to Top orientation, change the Original Orientation on the Others screen to Head to Left and load the
document in that orientation.
“5.14 Specifying Image Orientation”
Features related to setting the original orientation are 2 to 1 Sided, Margin Shift, Mixed Size Originals, Multiple Up, Independent
X-Y %. Take note of these when you set the original orientation.
You can change the factory setting of the original orientation to Head to Left in Tools Mode. For details, refer to “8.3 Setting
Tools Mode”.
Labels affixed on the document glass and DADF show the Head to Top setting. If the default value has been changed in Tools
Mode, the display shown and the labels will differ.
Automatic Image Rotation
The machine will automatically rotate the image of the document and make the correct copies even if
the document and the paper tray are not in the same orientation.This feature is called Automatic
Image Rotation.
This feature will be effective if Auto % is selected for Reduce/Enlarge, or Auto for Paper Supply; and
that a standard-sized document is copied onto a standard-sized paper of A4 or smaller.