POP3 server authentication error.
Check the followings. - Authentication
Method - Authenticated Account -
Authenticated Password
This message appears when POP3 server authentication failed.
Unsupported communication method.
Check the followings. - SMTP Server
Address - SMTP Server Port Number
This message appears when you try to communicate with unsupported protocols.
Connection to SMTP server failed.
Change Secure Connection to None.
This message appears when an SMTP mismatch occurs between a server and a
client, or when the server does not support SMTP secure connection (SSL
Connection to SMTP server failed.
Change Secure Connection to SSL/TLS.
This message appears when an SMTP mismatch occurs between a server and a
client, or when the server requests to use an SSL/TLS connection for an SMTP
secure connection.
Connection to SMTP server failed.
Change Secure Connection to
This message appears when an SMTP mismatch occurs between a server and a
client, or when the server requests to use an STARTTLS connection for an SMTP
secure connection.
The connection is untrusted. Check the
following. - Date and Time
This message appears when the printer’s date and time setting is incorrect or the
certificate has expired.
The connection is untrusted. Check the
following. - CA Certificate
This message appears when the printer does not have a root certificate
corresponding to the server or a CA Certificate has not been imported.
The connection is not secured.
This message appears when the obtained certificate is damaged.
SMTP server authentication failed.
Change Authentication Method to
This message appears when an authentication method mismatch occurs between
a server and a client. The server supports SMTP AUTH.
SMTP server authentication failed.
Change Authentication Method to
POP before SMTP.
This message appears when an authentication method mismatch occurs between
a server and a client. The server does not support SMTP AUTH.
Sender's Email Address is incorrect.
Change to the email address for your
email service.
This message appears when the specified sender’s Email address is wrong.
Cannot access the printer until
processing is complete.
This message appears when the printer is busy.
Making Basic Operation Settings for the Printer
Setting the Control Panel
Setup for the printer's control panel. You can set up as follows.
Access Web Config and select the
Device Management
tab >
Control Panel
Set up the following items as necessary.
Select the displayed language on the control panel.
Making Basic Operation Settings for the Printer