Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Appliance and Module Installation Guide for IPS 7.1
Appendix E Troubleshooting
Recovering the Password
rommon #1> boot
Step 4
Enter the following command to reset the confreg value to 0:
confreg 0
Recovering the ASA 5500-X IPS SSP Password
You can reset the password to the default (
) for the ASA 5500-X IPS SSP using the CLI or the
ASDM. Resetting the password causes it to reboot. IPS services are not available during a reboot.
To reset the password, you must have ASA 8.6.1 or later.
Use the
sw-module module ips password-reset
command to reset the password to the default
. If
the module in the specified slot has an IPS version that does not support password recovery, the
following error message is displayed:
ERROR: the module in slot <n> does not support password recovery.
To reset the password on the ASA 5500-X IPS SSP, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log into the adaptive security appliance and enter the following command:
sw-module module ips password-reset
Reset the password on module ips? [confirm]
Step 2
to confirm.
Password-Reset issued for module ips.
Step 3
Verify the status of the module. Once the status reads
, you can session to the ASA 5500-X IPS SSP.
show module ips
Mod Card Type Model Serial No.
--- -------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
ips ASA 5555-X IPS Security Services Processor ASA5555-IPS FCH151070GR
Mod MAC Address Range Hw Version Fw Version Sw Version
--- --------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------------
ips 503d.e59c.7c4c to 503d.e59c.7c4c N/A N/A 7.1(4)E4
Mod SSM Application Name Status SSM Application Version
--- ------------------------------ ---------------- --------------------------
ips IPS Up 7.1(4)E4
Mod Status Data Plane Status Compatibility
--- ------------------ --------------------- -------------
ips Up Up
Mod License Name License Status Time Remaining
--- -------------- --------------- ---------------
ips IPS Module Enabled 210 days
Step 4
Session to the ASA 5500-X IPS SSP.
session ips
Opening command session with module ips.