Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Appliance and Module Installation Guide for IPS 7.1
Appendix E Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting the Appliance
Step 4
Check to see that the interface is up and receiving packets.
show interfaces
MAC statistics from interface GigabitEthernet0/1
Media Type = TX
Missed Packet Percentage = 0
Inline Mode = Unpaired
Pair Status = N/A
Link Status = Up
Link Speed = Auto_100
Link Duplex = Auto_Full
Total Packets Received = 3
Total Bytes Received = 900
Total Multicast Packets Received = 3
Total Broadcast Packets Received = 0
Total Jumbo Packets Received = 0
Total Undersize Packets Received = 0
Total Receive Errors = 0
Total Receive FIFO Overruns = 0
Total Packets Transmitted = 0
Total Bytes Transmitted = 0
Total Multicast Packets Transmitted = 0
Total Broadcast Packets Transmitted = 0
Total Jumbo Packets Transmitted = 0
Total Undersize Packets Transmitted = 0
Total Transmit Errors = 0
Total Transmit FIFO Overruns = 0 ...
For More Information
For the procedure for installing the sensor properly, refer to your sensor chapter in this document.
Cleaning Up a Corrupted SensorApp Configuration
If the SensorApp configuration has become corrupted and the SensorApp cannot run, you must delete it
entirely and restart the SensorApp.
To delete the SensorApp configuration, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the service account.
Step 2
Su to root.
Step 3
Stop the IPS applications.
/etc/init.d/cids stop
Step 4
Replace the virtual sensor file.
cp /usr/cids/idsRoot/etc/defVirtualSensorConfig.xml
Step 5
Remove the cache files.
rm /usr/cids/idsRoot/var/virtualSensor/*.pmz
Step 6
Exit the service account.
Step 7
Log in to the sensor CLI.