R E V I E W D R A F T — C I S C O C O N F I D E N T I A L
Book Title
Appendix C Obtaining Software
Obtaining a License Key From Cisco.com
Obtaining a License for the IPS 4270-20, page C-14
Licensing the ASA 5500-X IPS SSP, page C-15
Uninstalling the License Key, page C-15
Understanding Licensing
Although the sensor functions without the license key, you must have a license key to obtain signature
updates and use the global correlation features. To obtain a license key, you must have the following:
Cisco Service for IPS service contract—Contact your reseller, Cisco service or product sales to
purchase a contract.
Your IPS device serial number—To find the IPS device serial number in
the IDM or
the IME
the IDM choose
Configuration > Sensor Management > Licensing
, and for the IME choose
Configuration >
> Sensor Management > Licensing
, or in the CLI use the
Valid Cisco.com username and password.
Trial license keys are also available. If you cannot get your sensor licensed because of problems with
your contract, you can obtain a 60-day trial license that supports signature updates that require licensing.
You can obtain a license key from the Cisco.com licensing server, which is then delivered to the sensor.
Or, you can update the license key from a license key provided in a local file. Go to
http://www.cisco.com/go/license and click
IPS Signature Subscription Service
to apply for a license
You can view the status of the license key in these places:
The IDM Home window Licensing section on the Health tab
The IDM Licensing pane (
Configuration > Licensing
The IME Home page in the Device Details section on the Licensing tab
License Notice at CLI login
Whenever you start
the IDM,
the IME,
or the CLI, you are informed of your license status—whether you
have a trial, invalid, or expired license key. With no license key, an invalid license key, or an expired
license key, you can continue to use
the IDM, the IME,
and the CLI, but you cannot download signature
If you already have a valid license on the sensor, you can click
on the License pane to
download a copy of your license key to the computer that
the IDM or
is running on and save it to a
local file. You can then replace a lost or corrupted license, or reinstall your license after you have
reimaged the sensor.
Service Programs for IPS Products
You must have a Cisco Services for IPS service contract for any IPS product so that you can download
a license key and obtain the latest IPS signature updates. If you have a direct relationship with Cisco
Systems, contact your account manager or service account manager to purchase the Cisco Services for
IPS service contract. If you do not have a direct relationship with Cisco Systems, you can purchase the
service account from a one-tier or two-tier partner.