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BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager text colors
Font color 1
This text color specifies the hexadecimal color value of the
description text in the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager.
#000000 (black)
Font color 2
This text color specifies the hexadecimal color value of the
copyright text in the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager.
#788cb6 (steel blue)
Font color 3
This text color specifies the hexadecimal color value of the
text in the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager error
#ff0000 (red)
Font color 4
This text color specifies the hexadecimal color value of the
text in the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager information
#6c4091 (purple)
Font color 5
This text color specifies the hexadecimal color value of
unavailable links in the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager.
For example, text for options that you make unavailable
using IT policy rules use this parameter.
#a1a1a4 (grey)
Font color 6
This text color specifies the hexadecimal color value of the
text in the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager headers, and
the text in the tab links that point to web pages that the user
is not currently visiting.
#ffffff (white)
Font color 7
This text color specifies the hexadecimal color value of the
text in the available BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager
menu and text in the option links.
#005387 (blue)
Font color 8
This text color specifies the hexadecimal color value of the
BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager link text when a user
pauses a cursor on a link.
#8cb811 (green)
Administration Guide
Configuring the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager