Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Weekdays, Weekends, or Daily. The default value is
• To configure calendar synchronization to recur on specific days for all user accounts that are associated with a
BlackBerry Enterprise Server, type
traittool -server
-trait ExchangeSmartSyncSchedule -set
, where
is one or more of the following options: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, Sunday, Weekdays, Weekends, or Daily. The default value is Daily.
• To configure calendar synchronization to recur on specific days for a user account, type
traittool -user
-trait ExchangeSmartSyncSchedule -set
, where
is one or more of the
following options: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Weekdays, Weekends, or
Daily. The default value is Daily.
Press ENTER.
Example: Configuring corrective calendar synchronization to run at 10:00 PM for all users on the BlackBerry Enterprise
Server that is named SERVER01
traittool -server SERVER01 -trait ExchangeSmartSyncTriggerHour -set 22
Example: Corrective calendar synchronization that runs at 11:00 PM for all users on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server
that is named SERVER02
traittool -server SERVER02 -trait ExchangeSmartSyncTriggerHour -set 23
Example: Corrective calendar synchronization that runs on weekdays for all users
traittool -global -trait ExchangeSmartSyncSchedule -set Weekdays
Example: Corrective calendar synchronization that runs on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a specific user
traittool -user [email protected] -trait ExchangeSmartSyncSchedule -set
Logging information for corrective calendar
Corrective calendar synchronization writes the following information to the BlackBerry Messaging Agent log file:
specifies that a calendar item is different on the BlackBerry device than it is in
the email application
Administration Guide
Managing calendars