BlackBerry Domain > Component view
In the
section, click an instance.
Edit instance
In the
section, in the
Policy resend interval (hours)
field, type an interval that you want the BlackBerry
device to resend the IT policy at.
Save All
Assigning IT policies and resolving IT policy
You can assign IT policies directly to a user account or to a group. By default, if you do not assign an IT policy to a user
account or a group that the user is a member of, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server applies the Default IT policy to the user
account. If you assign an IT policy to a group that a user account is a member of, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server applies
the group IT policy to the user account. If you assign an IT policy to the user account directly, the BlackBerry Enterprise
Server applies this IT policy to the user account instead of the group IT policy or Default IT policy.
If a user account is a member of multiple groups that have different IT policies, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server must
determine which IT policy to apply to the user account. You must use one of the following reconciliation options:
Apply one IT policy to the user account The BlackBerry Enterprise Server applies one of the group IT policies to the user
account. You specify rankings for the available IT policies using the BlackBerry
Administration Service and the BlackBerry Enterprise Server applies the IT
policy with the highest ranking.
If you upgrade to BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP2 or later from a previous
version of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, this is the default method for
resolving IT policy conflicts.
Apply multiple IT policies to the user
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server applies all of the group IT policies to the user
account, resulting in a combined IT policy that has a unique ID. The BlackBerry
Enterprise Server resolves conflicting IT policy rules using the ranking of the
available IT policies that you specified using the BlackBerry Administration
Service. If an IT policy rule is different in the multiple IT policies, the BlackBerry
Enterprise Server applies the rule setting from the IT policy that you ranked the
If you install BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP2 or later, this is the default
method for resolving IT policy conflicts.
Related information
Administration Guide
Using an IT policy to manage BlackBerry Enterprise Solution security