Configuring failover to occur when the standby BlackBerry Enterprise
Server is in a healther state than the active BlackBerry Enterprise Server
If you move the failover threshold and promotion threshold so that the promotion threshold is lower than the failover
threshold, failover occurs only if the standby BlackBerry Enterprise Server is healthier than the primary BlackBerry
Enterprise Server that is sufficiently healthy to run. You can move the promotion threshold so that it is lower than the
failover threshold if your organization wants to limit failover occurrences and requires that failover occurs only if the
standby BlackBerry Enterprise Server meets all of your organization’s requirements.
In this scenario, you configure the standby BlackBerry Enterprise Server to promote itself when it can provide most or all of
the BlackBerry services that your organization requires. The primary BlackBerry Enterprise Server does not demote itself
as long as it can provide at least the BlackBerry services that your organization considers essential.
For example, you configure the failover threshold so that the primary BlackBerry Enterprise Server must be able to connect
to the BlackBerry Infrastructure and messaging server and browse the Internet. You configure the promotion threshold so
that the standby BlackBerry Enterprise Server must be able to connect to the BlackBerry Infrastructure and messaging
server, browse the Internet, and process attachments. If the primary BlackBerry Enterprise Server cannot connect to the
messaging server and the standby BlackBerry Enterprise Server cannot process attachments, the standby BlackBerry
Enterprise Server cannot promote itself because it does not meet all of its requirements.
Changing the promotion threshold and
failover threshold
Each primary and standby BlackBerry Enterprise Server instance has a failover threshold and a promotion threshold. The
BlackBerry Enterprise Server uses the failover threshold when it is an primary instance to determine when it needs to
demote itself, and it uses the promotion threshold when it is a standby instance to determine whether it can promote itself
to become the primary instance.
You can configure the thresholds for each BlackBerry Enterprise Server pair.
Change the promotion threshold and failover threshold
and the order of the health parameters
You can change the promotion threshold and failover threshold and the order of the health parameters to meet the
requirements of your organization.
In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the
Servers and components
menu, expand
High availability > Highly
available BlackBerry Enterprise Servers
Administration Guide
Configuring BlackBerry Enterprise Server high availability