Install BlackBerry Java Applications
using a web browser on BlackBerry
You can install a BlackBerry Java Application on a BlackBerry device by
installing the files for the BlackBerry Java Application on a web server and
instructing the user to browse to the appropriate web address on the BlackBerry
device. Users can download the BlackBerry Java Application from an Internet
web site using a web browser or from an intranet web site using the BlackBerry
This method does not require the user to connect the BlackBerry device to the
Installing BlackBerry Java Applications
using the BlackBerry Desktop Software
Application developers can use the BlackBerry Java Development Environment or the for Eclipse to create an automated
application installer. You can use the application installer to install the files for a BlackBerry Java Application (the .alx
identifier file and the application's .cod files) on users’ computers. You can then instruct users to use the application loader
tool in the BlackBerry Desktop Software to install the BlackBerry Java Application on their BlackBerry devices. Users must
connect their BlackBerry devices to their computers.
This method has the following advantages:
• You can control how the application files are distributed to users’ computers.
• Users are responsible for completing the installation.
• If you installed the BlackBerry Desktop Software on users’ computers, they can use it to install the BlackBerry Java
This method has the following disadvantages:
• You must install the BlackBerry Desktop Software on users’ computers.
• The users must use the BlackBerry Desktop Software to install the BlackBerry Java Application.
• You cannot control when the users install the BlackBerry Java Application.
• Users must connect their BlackBerry devices to their computers.
Prerequisites: Installing BlackBerry Java Applications
using the BlackBerry Desktop Software
BlackBerry device
Administration Guide
Alternative methods for installing BlackBerry Java Applications on BlackBerry devices