Astell Autoclaves/Sterilisers – AMB220 | AMB230 | AMB240 | AMB420 | AMB430 | AMB440 | AMA240 | AMA440
Storage conditions
Permitted temperature range -10 / +70°C
Humidity not specified but an equalising time is required-
see below.
Storage of this product in cold or damp conditions may
lead to a hazard or operating faults if the equipment
is put into service before it has dried out and achieved
equilibrium with the surroundings of the operating site. In
this case place in the area where it is intended to use the
equipment, before connecting the power supply allow at
least 48 hours reaching humidity equilibrium. If there is
no evidence of condensation on the equipment you may
proceed with installation.
Operating conditions
Permitted temperature range 0-40°C
Permitted humidity mustn’t exceed 75% mean non-
Do not site the equipment in an area where there are
significant quantities of dust, which will gather on the
electronics and cause malfunction.
Do not site the equipment in an area where spray or
fumes from other equipment may enter the cabinet or
cooling vents.
Steamy environment- WARNING
If a large volume of steam is discharged into a confined
operating area the resulting condensation may cause
a hazard or operating faults or permanent damage to
the controller. This would not be caused by the small
amount of steam generated in normal use when the
machine is operated or the safety valve tested as in these
instructions. It could be caused by a continuous leak of
steam from a supply pipe, a badly maintained and failed
safety valve, the user must ensure that all appropriate
maintenance is performed to avoid such large steam leaks
which are outside the scope of these instructions and
outside the machine warranty.
All physical specifications, including weight, dimensions,
etc., are given in the installation drawing supplied with the
These instructions apply to a wide range of different
machine model numbers and sizes which may have
different electrical power ratings and specifications.
(Some models may be bespoke and have non-standard
power requirements).
Information is provided for guidance purposes in the
programming and installation manual.
Electrical rating plate
The full electrical specifications for the machine are given
on the electrical rating plate.
This is attached to the machine at the rear of the cabinet.
Services – specifications
There are no air water or steam services required for this
machine as standard - please refer to the programming
and installation manual.
The information here is given to advise the user what to
do if fuse failure occurs.
Fuse specifications
Fuse failure or tripping indicates a technical problem
which should be solved before the fuse is replaced or the
MCB trip reset.
If fuse failure happens consult manufacturer or your agent
before replacing fuses.
Please refer to the appropriate programming and
installation manual for your machine.
Specifications, alternatives and variations
Any technical specifications given on the rating plate or installation drawing overrules any
information or suggested values or parameters that may be given as an example in this
and associated manuals.