Astell Autoclaves/Sterilisers – AMB220 | AMB230 | AMB240 | AMB420 | AMB430 | AMB440 | AMA240 | AMA440
This stage is before the main sterilisation process,
the stage is controlled by pre-set pressures and the
selected temperature probes. The stage continues for a
predetermined time (stabilisation time).
This is a time for the system to stabilise before sterilize
time starts. All materials take time to heat up because
of the thermal mass. Although the chamber is at sterilize
temperature stabilization period is required to let the load
catch up with the chamber temperature.
• The sterilise temperature is reached
• The stabilisation time begins
• The stage continues to show heat to sterilize
• But the stage timer counts up to the timer setting
This stage is the main sterilisation process. The stage
timing is controlled by the selected temperature probes
and the temperature by the pressure set-point. The stage
continues for set sterilisation time.
Sterilise temperature
- Set sterilization temperature
Sterilisation time
- Set sterilization time
This stage cools the autoclave and load. This continues
until the temperature of the selected probes and a
cooling thermostat interlock have satisfied the set
conditions (usually below 80°C as per HTM2010) and a
minimum time has elapsed.
Cooling time
- Time allowed cooling before the next
Override time
- Maximum time period allowed for the
Cooling temperature
- Cooling lock release temperature
Drying is only available as an optional extra and
therefore should not be set if the required hardware is
not present.
A period of drying to make sure all loads coming out dry.
An air pump runs through this stage which blows fresh air
to the heater element to help evaporate any moisture.