Astell Autoclaves/Sterilisers – AMB220 | AMB230 | AMB240 | AMB420 | AMB430 | AMB440 | AMA240 | AMA440
Audit Trail System
The software will automatically create a password
protected audit ‘archive’ file each day at 16:00 hrs.
Alternatively, an ‘audit’ file can be created on demand by
pressing “EXPORT” in the Audit Trail System screen, as
shown below.
Audit Trail Printer
For each cycle run, the software will generate a ‘log’ file.
The software can also, automatically generate a password
protected pdf copy of the log file by ticking the ‘Export
after each cycle’ – shown below.
If the ‘Export after each cycle’ is not selected. A ‘Printer
Archive’ password protected PDF file will be automatically
generated each day at 16:00 hrs.
To create a backup of the audit files
To create a backup of the Audit files. Plug an empty,
formatted USB drive into the exterior USB port.
On screen, navigate to the USB Backup / Restore page.
(‘Menu’ > ‘Setting Menu’ > Edit Machine settings’ > USB
Backup / Restore)
You will need to login as a user with Administrator role.
In the USB Backup / Restore page. Press
The USB drive can now be removed and its contents
copied to, or viewed on a computer.