Astell Autoclaves/Sterilisers – AMB220 | AMB230 | AMB240 | AMB420 | AMB430 | AMB440 | AMA240 | AMA440
Sensor sockets are provided connected to the chamber
and/or load sensing probes, close to the port for the
armoured flexible probe.
Fitting replacement probes
The flexible armoured probe has a short rigid tube at
the chamber wall end. This is fitted through a threaded
compression fitting in the chamber wall.
Remove the appropriate cover or side panel from the
cabinet to give access to the probes. Locate the load
sense probe fitting.
Hold the probe fitting and loosen the compression nut
(outside of the chamber on front-loaders, inside on top-
loaders). The compression olive will be compressed hard
onto the armoured probe tube-end, and this means that
the old olive must be replaced with new items every time
the probe is changed. This is Astell part no SER014 (top
The probe is installed by passing the wires first and then
the end-tube through the compression nut and olive and
then through the fitting. Tighten the nut finger-tight, and
then tighten further with a spanner.
DO NOT pull on the cable to drag it through the fitting
or damage the insulation on the inside of the fitting. The
sleeved part of the wires should be inside the fitting to act
as a cushion against abrasion.
A little silicone joint compound may be smeared onto
the tube and the olive, but do not put silicone sealant on
the compression nut, threads or on the wires through the
Probe connector arrangements
The probe is supplied with red and white wire ends for the
PT100 internal connections.
Make a note of the existing connections.
Ideally order a new set of contact pins with the new
probe. Use the pin extractor to push the pins out of the
plug plastic moulding. Solder the wires to the new pins
and insert into the plug moulding in the same places as
the old ones.
You can alternatively cut off the old probe wires 50 mm
from the plug body and strip back 10mm of wire, and
re-solder the new wires to the old wires. Insulate the joints
with tape or sleeving.
Load Sensing Probe parts
Astell part number
Load Sensing Probe
Plug body
Pin extractor
Complete kit
Compression olive
Consult Astell
Compression olive