Astell Autoclaves/Sterilisers – AMB220 | AMB230 | AMB240 | AMB420 | AMB430 | AMB440 | AMA240 | AMA440
Please note that this machine design does NOT allow the operator to exhaust steam at the end of a sterilize period or
any other time.
All controls of cooling and steam exhaust are built-in to the cycle profiles and optimised. Nothing would be gained by
having this override manual control but many factors count against this.
This provision has been present on other makes of machine with older simpler control systems, with a valve allowed the
user to exhaust the steam.
Astell machines are designed to operate in compliance with the EU directives on safety, including the PED and EN
61010. These preclude the use in this manner.
The amount of steam produced when a chamber pressurised to 120°C+ is exhausted is large and can constitute a serious
hazard. Unless special high temperature exhaust pipework is installed in the building to take this exhaust away to a safe
discharge. Also the steam produced would get into the inside of the case and condense on the electronics systems. This
would cause damage very quickly.
If the load contains fluids then the action of exhausting the steam would cause the fluid load to violently boil over and
empty the load contents into the chamber, which quickly will “gum-up” the valves and pipework. Also if such a load was
removed even after it had appeared to stop boiling over, then it would be very likely to flash-boil again into the face of
the user carrying the load.
Health and safety requirements in the EC require that generally such a load is not handled at a temperature above 80°C.