Astell Autoclaves/Sterilisers – AMB220 | AMB230 | AMB240 | AMB420 | AMB430 | AMB440 | AMA240 | AMA440
Fill in the details and select a ‘Role’ from the drop down
menu – Role 1. (‘User’ for example).
Necessary fields are: User Name, Password, Confirm
Password, At least Role 1.
If you were to log in as a user with no role assigned.
It would not be possible to select or run a cycle.
Do not set up a user with Role – everyone assigned. (That
user will not be able to log in).
Example of completed New User setup
To Amend a users details
Select the user to be amended by pressing on their name,
in the ‘User Manager’ screen.
By pressing the
button, the users details screen
will be displayed, and can be changed.
Only a user with a role of ‘Administrator’ is
permitted to amend another user.
To Delete a user
Select the user to be deleted by pressing on their name,
in the ‘User Manager’ screen.
By pressing the
button, the user will be deleted
from the system and no longer be able to log in.
Only a user with a role of ‘Administrator’ is
permitted to delete another user.
To Lock a user
Select the user to be deleted by pressing on their name,
in the ‘User Manager’ screen.
By pressing the
button, the user will be locked.
Their details will be retained, but they can no longer log
Only a user with a role of ‘Administrator’ is
permitted to delete another user.
Logging in and out of the system
The user will be prompted to log in to the system if they
navigate to a screen page that requires a role level to
access, or if they attempt to change a setting. A comment
can be added to the record of any change.
The user can login initially by selecting
and then
If logged in as any user other than one with Administrator
role. The system will automatically log out the user after a
period of inactivity of 3 minutes.
To Enable User Logging
To change this setting the user will need to be logged in
with Admin rights.
From the Main Menu
Press “MENU” > Settings Menu > Edit Machine Settings
> Options.
User Logging should be set to:
The system will now require a user to be logged in to
select and run a cycle.