4. Operation Method
Operation course (sterilize & retain temp.)
9. Sterilize & retain temp. program
Sterilize 121
, 30min; Retain temp. 60
Current temp. in chamber 30
Normal pressure (green character and icon)
Normal bottle (green character and icon)
Normal cover locking (green character and
Press the green START key one time to start
operation! Temp. and time parameters cannot
be changed in operation!
10. During operation of sterilize & retain temp.
Interface display setting: sterilize temp.121
sterilize time 30min; retain temp. 60
, 1h30min.
Current temp. in chamber 30
. Running time
0h0min. During heating, heating curve segment
indicates yellow. The green START key becomes
red STOP key.
10.1 Stop the operation of sterilize & retain
temp. program
Press the red STOP key one time to stop.
Prompt box displays whether stop: press
√ to
confirm stop, and press × to continue operation if
10.2 Stop the operation of sterilize & retain
temp. program
√ to confirm to stop operation.
10.3 Stop the operation of sterilize & retain
temp. program
Prompt box of program operation stop
√ to confirm end