4. Operation Method
Operation course (liquefy & retain temp.)
6. Liquefy & retain temp. program
Liquefy temp. and time parameters have been set!
Liquefy 80
, 1h
6.1 Liquefy & retain temp. program
Press Retain temp. area one time, the background color
becomes yellow, switch over the interface.
7. Modify the retain temp. setting
No need to modify, press × key to return to liquefy &
retain temp. interface
7.1.1 Modify the retain temp. setting
Press temp. display area to modify the retain temp.
setting, the background color becomes yellow
7.1.2 Modify the set retain temp. value
The background color of temp. display area becomes blue,
the numeric keypad is shown at right side, and the history
set temp. value is shown at the top of keypad.
If no need to modify, press × key at right keypad to close
the keypad.
7.1.3 Modify the set retain temp. value
If type into wrong number, press CLR key to clear it