WebEye E10/E104
WebEye E10/E104
User’s Guide
9) Pan/Tilt/Zoom Configuration
This page is to decide whether to
use pan/tilt/zoom control function
or not and select which serial port
to use.
(1) Video Channel Selection
Administrator selects a video
channel to utilize pan/tilt/zoom
mechanism. The four channels shown in the panel are same as seen in ‘ Video Configuration’ page.
(2) Pan Tilt Function
Administrator defines whether to utilize pan/tilt control function or not.
(3) Zoom Function
Administrator defines whether to utilize zoom control function or not. With WebEye E10, internal
channel has fixed lens and doesn’t support zoom function, therefore the menu is not on the page.
(4) Pan Reverse Mode Function
This is to set command reverse direction against to right and left direction control arrows. This
function is useful when PT driver is installed upside down.
(5) Tilt Reverse Mode Function
This is to set command reverse direction against to up and down direction control arrows. This
function is useful when PT driver is installed upside down.
(6) Select Serial Port
It is to select a serial port between ‘Serial #1’ and ‘Serial #2’ with which a pan/tilt/zoom control
receiver is connected to WebEye. With WebEye E104, administrator should select proper serial port
between them. It is because the two ports have different interface each other.
WebEye E104
WebEye E104 has two pairs of interface pins. One pair is RS232C interface and
another is RS485 (Half -Duflex) interface. Among DB-15 pins located in the
rear of WebEye E104, pins of number 1 and number 2 (marked as RXD and
TXD) are RS232C interface and this pair is ‘Serial #1’. Pins of number 3 and number 4 (marked as
S+ and S-) are RS485 (Half-Duflex) interface and this pair is ‘Serial #2’.
WebEye E10
WebEye E10 also has 2 pairs of interface pins. Among DB- 15 pins located in
the rear of WebEye E10, pins of number 1 and number 2 (marked as TX1 and
RX1) are RS232C interface and this pair is ‘Serial #1’. Number 3 and 4 pins
(marked as TX2 and RX2) are also RS232C interface and this pair is ‘Serial #2’.