WebEye E10/E104
WebEye E10/E104
User’s Guide
(1) Sign up membership
To search your WebEye out of a public list or a private list, you have to sign up membership first.
You may sign up on the server through ‘Membership’ menu.
(2) Finding WebEye from public list
To access WebEye that is registered on public list, you may find it through ‘Service’ or ‘Demo’
menus. Once click ‘Servic e’ or ‘Demo’ menu, you may find ‘WRS (WebEye Registration Service)
WebEye list’ on WRS page that is a main page of the ‘Service’ menu. The sub-menu ‘WRS’ is on
the left side.
You may search your WebEye
with several conditions such as
name, model, location, description,
serial number , and IP address. (‘IP
address’ is to be used only when
you assigned your WebEye a fixed
IP address)
After finding your WebEye, you
may access it by clicking on the
name. By clicking on ‘Preview’,
you may monitor real-time im age from WebEye without logging in WebEye. However ‘Preview’ is
available only when the WebEye is configured to have its ID and password as default values ‘guest’
and ‘guest’.
(3) Finding WebEye from private list
To access WebEye that is registered on private list, you should make your own WebEye list before.
You may make the list through ‘User’s WebEye’ menu. In the list, there are to be registered any
WebEye from the ‘Public List’ or ‘Private List’. On ‘ User’s WebEye’ page, there two sub-menus,
‘Your WebEye List’ and ‘Search and Append’.
My WebEye List
: You may maintain your own WebEye registering it on this list. When you login
this homepage, WRS (WebEye Registration Server) detects and shows all the WebEyes that you
listed appear on your own list. There for you may access any of them without searching it from
WRS (WebEye Registration Service) list nor verifying access token again. So it is very convenient
to have the list when you run several WebEyes having dynamic IP addresses.
Search and Append
: This menu is to append a certain WebEye on your own list. You may append
WebEye on your own list as follows.
Key in serial number(W100000000000), MAC address(e.g. 00:00:00:00:00:00), and access
token of a certain WebEye in the box.