WebEye E10/E104
WebEye E10/E104
User’s Guide
may view real time image through WebEye’s Server Push Viewer that transmits video through Web
TCP port instead of video TCP port.
By clicking on ‘Behind Firewall’ menu, you may directly connect Server Push Viewer when you
access WebEye homepage.
3) WebEye Plug -in for Netscape user
To monitor real-time image through Netscape Navigator , user should install WebEye Plug- in
program first by clicking WebEye Plug- in menu. When you connect WebEye for the first time or
you have Plug- in program of lower version, you have to download it clicking ‘Download WebEye
Plug In Now!’ button. Then you click ‘Grant’ and ‘Install’ buttons respectively. When you access
WebEye with lower version, you may not monitor properly. In the case, download and install
Plug- in program again.
4) WebEye Active -X for MS Explorer User
For a Microsoft Explorer User, Active-X Control program is required. The program will be installed
automatically when a user accesses to WebEye. For Active-X installation on your PC, just click
‘Yes’ to the question if you want to install the program on pop-up window. If you cannot see
images after installation, you should check if Active-X Control program (a file named Web Camera
Server Control) is installed or not. You may check Web Camera Server Control file (Active-X
Control program) in the fold of C:\Windows\Download Program Files. If the Web Camera Server
Control file is not installed at all in the directory, try it again to download and install it. If the file is
already installed but image is not seen, remove the file and re- install it.
5) WebEye Java Applet for Macintosh or Unix system user.
Java applet viewer is for a user who accesses WebEye through a computer that dose not utilize MS
Windows (OS) such as Macintosh computer, etc. Java applet viewer is run with java virtual
machine that is installed on User’s computer.
6) FAQ
A lot of questions and answers are provided here for troubleshooting. If user has another question
that is not answered here, please contact WebGate through its Internet homepage.
Plug-in and Active-X Installation
If the Plug-in or Active-X program fails to be installed automatically, you may install it
manually. The manual installation program is provided at ‘Client Support’ page in WebGate’s
Internet homepage. (
The installation will not take more than 1 minute. Please, don’t click any button until the
installation is completed.