Explanation of Function
Seite 76 / 180
(3) Inside DC braking
When the inverter starts, and the DB terminal is not ON the inverter can operate dc braking.
When using inside DC braking, the DC braking selection A051 should be set 01.
Starting DC braking power is set with A057, DC braking time at starting is set with A058.
Braking power setting except starting time, set with A054.
If DC braking late time A053 is set and the dc braking frequency is reached, the operating command
(FW) is switched OFF. The inverter cuts the output and for the set time of A053, free running of the
motor will occur. After finishing the set time in A053, DC braking is started.
Set the frequency at which the DC braking will operate at with A052.
The operation of Edge/Level selection when using inside DC braking is different.
Edge action: Give priority to A055 DC braking action time, operate DC braking according to set time.
After turning operating command (FW) OFF, when output frequency reachs the set value
of A052, during setting A055 DC braking is run. Even if operation command is turned
ON, during setting time of A055, DC braking is run. (Example 5-a), (Example 6-a)
Level action: Give priority to operaing command, ignore DC braking time A055 and move to normal
operation. When operation command is turned ON during DC braking, set time of A055
is ignored and normal operation is restored. (Example 5-b), (Example 6-b)