Doc. P/N: WSP-009-005
Version: V1.5
Issue Date: October 2013
Page 5 of 73
Installation Manual
1. Purpose of this Manual
This installation manual describes the procedures to install the following WASSP equipment:
BTxR (Transceiver)
WASSP Processor
WASSP software and firmware for WASSP Processor and BTxR.
It also provides procedures to commission the WASSP system during dockside and sea trials.
2. Introduction
The WASSP is a multibeam sonar system that uses a wide-angle sonar transducer to profile
the water column and seafloor to a high resolution. It is this unique combination of multibeam
sonar and computer processing power which provides you with unparalleled information about
the underwater environment. It gives you a wide 120° port-starboard swath of the water column
and sea-floor, allowing you to find and position reefs and wrecks, seafloor hardness changes,
and foreign objects in the water column or on the sea-floor. From the 120° swath, the system
processes 224 dynamic beams, with each beam containing detections from the water column
and sea-floor.
The WASSP can be applied to a variety of survey methods, as well as search and rescue,
customs, and police applications.
The information is presented in a user-friendly, mouse controlled, Windows-based operating
system. The system can output data to plotting and hydrographic software packages. For
optimal performance, roll, heave, pitch, heading and position inputs are all required.
The effectiveness of motion correction depends on both the quality of sensors and the quality
of input data. Accurate ship measurements must be taken and the dockside and sea trial
commissioning procedures carried out thoroughly.
2.1 Main Features
Simple to use
Improved performance
The use of separate transmit and receive arrays has enabled WASSP Ltd. to optimise both
transmit performance and receive sensitivity, giving improved performance over traditional
sonar and sounders.
High detail picture of the marine environment
The transmit beam spreads over a 120° port-starboard swath and covers 4° fore-aft while
the receive beam covers 10° fore-aft, displaying a highly detailed picture of the marine
Beam stabilisation
Beam stabilisation compensates for the movement of the vessel, providing accurate seafloor
Variable beam width
Unique to the WASSP, the single beam view can not only be stabilised, but the beam width
can be varied from 5° to 40°.
Bottom lock
Bottom lock provides a traditional bottom lock mode where the changes in bottom depth are
ignored and the bottom is drawn flat. Echoes are shown relative to the flat bottom image,
enabling better discrimination on the sea-floor.