Echo Rx Tw:
The link partner's Echo Rx Tw value.
Resolved Tx Tw:
The resolved Tx Tw for this link. Note: It is not the link partner.
The resolved value that is the actual "Tx wakeup time" used for this link (based on
EEE information exchanged via LLDP).
Resolved Rx Tw:
The resolved Rx Tw for this link. Note: It is not the link partner.
The resolved value that is the actual "Tx wakeup time" used for this link (based on
EEE information exchanged via LLDP).
EEE activated:
Shows if the switch and the link partner have agreed upon which
wakeup times to use.
Switch and link partner have not agreed upon wakeup time.
Switch and link partner have agreed upon wakeup time.
Check “Auto
Refresh” so the device can refresh the information
Upper right icon (Refresh):
Click “Refresh” to refresh the LLDP Neighbors
information manually.