If the last scene that was recorded was an A/B Roll, the entire A/B Roll will be played.
You cannot do a review if the record VCR uses IR protocol.
Production Hints/Precautions
1. When you create a source or record tape, use SP speed. This will provide the best audio and
video quality and the best editing accuracy.
2. When you create a source tape, record 45-60 seconds of black at the start of the tape. In normal
use, Edit Suite cannot access scenes that start earlier than approximately 45 seconds from the
start of the tape.
3. When you create a source tape, shoot lots of footage. It is easy to edit out the bad footage, but
it is difficult to catch the exact frame you want if there is no usable footage around it.
4. If you have access to time code, use it. This will greatly improve the accuracy of your
5. If you have time code, it must be continuous or errors may occur.
6. If you do not have time code, rewind your tapes and rezero the counter before marking any
scenes. Rewind/rezero periodically as you are building the EDL.
Rewind and rezero again before beginning an auto-record.
7. If you have a mixer or a switcher, go easy on the number of A/B rolls you use. Most
productions use cuts between a majority of the scenes, and a transition every so often for effect.
See Match Frame Edits in the MX1 Events section of Chapter 5 for more information on A/B
8. If you have a titler, make sure your titles are started early enough so that they finish scrolling
before the scene ends. Otherwise, they may be "cut" in the middle of the scroll.