Shenzhen Topwisdom Technology Co., Ltd
Free speed:
The move speed of laser head when the laser is off. he rang is 0.000 to
Axis X,Y limit speed.
If selected, parameters like power intensity and speed etc. will be in
accordance with what displayed on the machine.
Open/Close delay:
open delay is applied for the head of the cutting line. And the close
delay is applied fo the tail of the cutting line. The range is 0-15s.
Open Air:
when open air check box is click, the blow air signal is active when work is
start. There is two ways of blow air, one is the blow air signal is always active. The
other is when laser is on the blow air signal is active otherwise not active.
the moving distance of lift axis before work start. When work
is finish lift axis move back to the original position. The steps to enable the automatic
lifting function is below: Click the AxisControl button at the bottom, then select the
Allow_zAxis.,and set the SelectAxis as Z, click OK to back to the parameter setting
interface, now it is able to modify the Z_AxisMoveSize. Attention: This function is use
to the case of cutting the material with various thickness. By adjusting the position of
laser head, to make the laser head move to the position of the laser focal length is
for hit point or drill on material. Firstly click the ―Hit_Point‖ check box. Then
set the Point_Interval—interval between dots—and the Hit_Time—laser on timer, unit
is second.
Spot Compen.:
Spot compensation is for compensating the size lose resulting from
the spot is too much big. The unit is mm.
In the carve page, it can set the engraving mode to reseau mode. The reseau
mod is suitable for closed vector graphics.when the Open_Reseau check box is
selected, three parameters below can be set:
Pattern: Round, Square, Triangle
Interval(mm): Interval between dots
Size(mm): the size of dots. When the pattern is round, the size is the length of
diameter. When the pattern is square, it is length of edge. When pattern is
triangle, ti is the edge of external rectangle of triangle.
Carve method:
X_Unilateralism: Engraving from one horizontal side, when move inversely ,the
laser is off. It can eliminate backlash and the processing effect is good, but the
processing time is longer.
X_Bidirectiona(recommended): Engraving from both horizontal sides. The
processing time is short. But because the machine generally exist backlash leads
to dislocation. At this time you need to set up a backlash or backlash list.