Shenzhen Topwisdom Technology Co., Ltd
software alone, Therefore, sometimes the user need to make improvements for the
drawing so as to make the operation of the machine in accordance with our ideas.
Some simple drawings may be connected and exported in order
See the figure below:
Fig. 4-34
In Fig. 4-34, we first draw the curve at the center from the left to the right, then draw the
line section on the right from right to left, finally, we draw the line section on the left
from left to right, according to the original output processing, the result will be as
Fig. 4-35
And the order of output by the equipment follows the numbers displayed in Fig. 4-35
the direction for each step of output is shown by the arrow. This effect is poor as its not
completed from the beginning to the end b one run.
There are 2 ways to solve this problem, 1: draw the drawings in order or combine them
with the merger operation provided in software like CorelDRAW or AutoCAD etc., 2:
our software engraving can change the order into a smooth and continuous way of
operating from the beginning to the end when processing the drawings.
The current software has make processing to drawings as shown in Figure 1 to make
them to be exported from the beginning to the end, i.e., this problem of output order
has been solved in the latest version of the software. However, we recommend our
users to draw the drawings in order when using AutoCAD or CorelDRAW etc., if you
fail to do that, you can combine them together with the merger operation provided in
the aforesaid software, which may provide higher fault tolerance.
Normalized output for complicated drawings are shown in Fig.4-36 below
Fig. 4-36
Fig.4-36 is not so complicated, however, according to our observation, many users will